I finally bit the bullet and upgraded from my 12 year old Canon 5d. I’ve completely switched systems and bought a FujiFilm X-T2, currently just with the 18-55mm kit lens. It arrived on Friday and Sunday was the first real opportunity I got to take it out properly, so I headed up to Salford Quays.
After making great time to about a mile from my final destination, I hit stand-still traffic as United had just finished playing at home. Worried I was missing the best of the light, I sat in the car and waited. After about an hour I managed to make it. The light was falling fast, so i found a composition and got setup. This is the result.
I’m fairly sure that, had I had a little more time to look around I could have found something more interesting, but I’m pretty happy with the result especially considering it’s a brand new camera!